Monday, November 10, 2014

Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star

Title: Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star
Author:Brandon Mull
Date: 11/3/14
Prompt: List five major events in order from which happened first to last.

In this book there have been many major events since the beginning to where I am now. The first major event that happened in the book that I have already informed you about in the recent blogs. To recap, In the beginning of the book Seth and Kendra got in a predicament with a kobold. They solved this problem with a suppose friend of a friend, of their grandpa. I don't want to go further into detail, I want you to find out. The second problem they get into is when Errol (the friend of a friend of there grandpa) tells Kendra and Seth he has another mission he could have them help him with. Then later Kendra gets in touch with there Grandpa to confirm that Errol is actually not a friend at all. That he is part of the evening star and using them to get the hidden artifacts they need.

The next problems that they faced that you have not found out are way more problematic then the others. After Kendra got the information from there grandpa, Errol called to see if they where going to go with him to help him with his problem. Kendra new though that he was not there friend, in fact he was part of the Evening Star. Here the problem is she doesn't know what to do until a car beeps out side and it really is a friend of there grandpa. The next problem is really cool the problem they had was while they where leaving they meet up whit errol and a little buddy of his or should I say big buddy.(as seen on the right) They got ambushed once they where out of sight from there parents. 

The last problem they faced so far was that when they got to Fablehaven there where men every where. Later there grandpa came out in a cast and in a wheel chair because he got in a car accident that he believes was provoked by the evening star. The men where there as in extra precaution to the evening satr knowing there identity. Overall this is a really good book as was the other one.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like there are a lot of problems in your book. What would you say is the central conflict thus far?
