Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Giver : Week 11/25/13

Pages- 1- 162

Prompt: Usually a reader imagines the places being described in the story. Draw a
picture of the image you have from this story. What do you usually see when
reading a story?

What I usually see when I'm reading any book. First I start with who is talking and what scene they could be in. I do this because the scene is a very important part in a book or in a movie. Second I think of there facial features and there expression that is portrayed in that page or chapter. Facial features and expression are a crucial part in books it tells you if  wether there mad or sad. Third I look at what extra stuff could be there like a chair or table. This is important because props can help you find out whats the scene and what there expressions are. Lastly I look at color. Color is very important it helps you find out what feeling it gives you.

From the book The Giver I saw many things. One the house to me looked silver and modern house not to big but not to small. All the houses would look the same on the sides of the street would be bikes and bike racks but no chains.  Second the sky would be clear blue with puffy clouds even when it rained the clouds would still be white. Third everyone would have a happy face but not that they wanted a happy face they had to have it. I imagined a dome like in the movie hunger games the game dome.That the elders changed if they wanted to. If they wanted trees they would put some like gods.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

13 Reasons Why 11/3/13

Title- 13 Reasons Why

Pages- 1-12

Prompt- How have your feelings changed as you’ve been reading?

In the beginning I thought the book was going to be boring. One reason I thought it was going to be boring was because of the cover. The cover has a girl on the swing and that kind of made me think that it was going to be about a teenager being bullied in a playground. Second I thought the book was going to be boring because of the title. The title effected me drastically when I saw the title I though about thirteen reasons why I stopped being the person I use to be. Lastly when I saw the book all together I thought that she was getting bullied and then she sat on a swing in the playground. Then she changed her mind and decided she wasn't going to let them bully her anymore.

In the first ten pages I new I was wrong. One reason I new I was wrong was because in the beginning It started out with a tape's and the tape's said 1 all the way to 13. Then I knew it was not going to be boring. That it was going to be a suspens full book. Second reason I new I was wrong was when she started the tape. Then the person recording the tape said that the 13 tapes represented people and what they did to help in the death of a girl.

Over all my feelings about the book changed a lot after reading the first 12 pages. I have learned not to judge a book by its cover. When people told me that I always told them it does because if it looks good most likely it will be good.  If it looks bad it most likely is bad.  In most cases it is true for the books I puck but now I know to give every book a chance.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dungeons & Dragons 11/17/13

Title: Dungeons and dragons 
Date: 11/17/13
Pages: 1-80
Prompt : Draw a comic strip or graphic novel page for what you just read.

This book is about a game that can cause you to die. The scene that I selected from the book is when they roll the dice and while its rolling his luck leaves his body. It lands on death and the master of the game with the wand makes him go fight in the war as his punishment. For losing the game. His punishment is basically to die or be excluded. 

The wand and the hand in the comic strip represents the power of the player from the book. The dice with the skulls represent the death that the game can cause. It can also represent the loses of the players. The glow coming from the hand is the chance he has of winning leaving his body. All together it means the lose of him if he loses.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

13 reasons why 11/11/13

Title:13 reasons why



Prompt: Does the title fit the story? Why or why not?title

The title of the story fits great. One the title fits good because of the number 13. The number 13 fits the title good because there are thirteen people . These thirteen people are said to have helped in a friends death. They have to see a tape and hear what they did wrong. Then pass it on to the next number.

Second the title fits because it talks about the reasons why she killed her self. This person sent a tapes so they could hear what they did. Some of the people they sent the tapes to didn't even talk to her. For some reason they helped in her death.

Third the title just fits the story well. Lastly the why is because it tells you why she killed her self. What the people did to make that happen. Thw why tells you why those people made her feel so bad that she wanted to kill herself.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Worlds Afire 10/28/13

Title- Worlds Afire
Pages-1- 64
Prompt-If the author were here, what would you say and ask him/her?

 If the author were here, what would you say and ask him/her?

Question 1: What made you want to create this book?
I would ask this question because the book is about the circus and the people in the circus. I was wondering why would you write about mostly every person in the circus. Also how they think about there job. He thoroughly explains what the staff and people in the circus look at. 

Question 2: Why the circus?
I would ask this question because I think it would make more sense in the zoo. I think this because it talks about many animals that would be in a zoo but not in a circus. One of the animals that they have that made it kinda weird is that they had a giraffe. I have never hear of a giraffe in the circus.

Question 3: Why that title?
I would ask this question because so far the title doesn't make sense. The book is about the circus and the people that are in the circus. Nothing has gotten on fire. There is nothing that talks about different worlds or the worlds of other people.