Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Lemonade War

Title: The Lemonade War
Author: Jacqueline Davies
Pages: 1- 192
Week: 04/14/14
Prompt: Select a quote from your reading that you liked. What made you pick it? How
does it make you pause and think?

In the book The Lemonade War I have learned my emotions have varied first in the beginning of the book I felt like the book was okay. Later as I got into it I started to find out what was going on and the book got more interesting. Especially when the war started and the tips started to pile up. Of all of the quotes that are in this book I have found four that I would like to share with you. If you are in the summer and you have nothing to do but bask in the scorching hot sun this is for you. Have you ever wanted money in the summer? Do you feel like you want something then this book will help you learn the basics of selling lots and lots of lemonade from 10¢,50¢, $1, and even up to $2.

"Tip 1: Location It all starts on where you put your lemonade stand "

This is very important where you put your lemonade stand is kind of how much money you make. If you put your lemonade stand in the middle of the woods who's going to see it besides you local deer. You need to pic a spot where you know a lot of people with money pass by but if you pick a public place like in front of the city hall you have to pay a fin. You have to pick a spot where theres a lot of people but that the police wont say anything about it. In the book the main characters Jessie and Evan made a lot of money by picking a corner by a park on really hot days and they got $25 each.

"Tip 2: Advertisement Make your lemons stand out of the crowd "

By making your lemons stand out of the crowd they mean put some music or put something that makes it pop. In the book Megan and Jessie the girls team put music and balloons and made people want to go to there lemonade stand because of how they made the place kind of like a hangout.

"Tip 3: Going Mobile Take your lemons on the rode"

I picked this one because in the book the boys team (Evan) rode around on his bike with a wagon with the lemonade behind him. He was selling it for $1 dollar and he was going to make $245 dollars minus $64 of expenses. Till his sister who was on the opposite team put so many bugs and dirt in his lemonade and all that money was lost. Overall this tip can help you to make a lot of money just by going around on a hot day with lemonade and a sign.

"Tip 4: Employee Appreciation Don't be a sour boss- always say thank you to your workers"

There is an amazing thing that they did in the book. What the girl team did (Megan and Jessie) was they called all there friend and asked them to have a lemonade stand. They would supply them and ask for 2/3 of what they make. Then they would give them a thank you present so there would be any hard feelings. This was a great Idea because they both won $104 dollars. Which got jessie in the lead by one dollar.

I recommend this book to anybody who doesn't
have anything to do over the summer and who likes to read realistic fiction.

P.S What Happens in the end is mind blowing.


  1. Nice blog this week. I really like the book so far on your description. This concept/idea of a book is one of my favorites.

  2. I commented on Carlos, Citlalli, and Jesus

  3. The thing that I like about this book is that they include tips instead of quotes which are still equally important. I think that the tips included in the book try to make up the lesson or moral of the story. Does this book include the phrase "when life give you lemons make lemonade"? I learned a life lesson over the week "when life gives you Cheetos don't accept them". Great Blog Post.

  4. I like your blog this week. This book sounds really interesting. Now I want to read this book. Is there like a tip on every page? I'm gonna read this book next.

  5. I like your blog. You gave some really good tips on how to be successful when having a lemonade stand. This sounds like an interesting book.
