Sunday, November 3, 2013

Worlds Afire 10/28/13

Title- Worlds Afire
Pages-1- 64
Prompt-If the author were here, what would you say and ask him/her?

 If the author were here, what would you say and ask him/her?

Question 1: What made you want to create this book?
I would ask this question because the book is about the circus and the people in the circus. I was wondering why would you write about mostly every person in the circus. Also how they think about there job. He thoroughly explains what the staff and people in the circus look at. 

Question 2: Why the circus?
I would ask this question because I think it would make more sense in the zoo. I think this because it talks about many animals that would be in a zoo but not in a circus. One of the animals that they have that made it kinda weird is that they had a giraffe. I have never hear of a giraffe in the circus.

Question 3: Why that title?
I would ask this question because so far the title doesn't make sense. The book is about the circus and the people that are in the circus. Nothing has gotten on fire. There is nothing that talks about different worlds or the worlds of other people.


  1. I like your questions I think I would ask the same thing. The circus is kind of an odd place for the setting but it also depends on the plot. I like the picture it creates a good image of how the posters look. Good post this week!

  2. Nice questions. Your reasons why you would ask these questions makes me wonder about these things too even though I haven't read the book.

  3. I like the reasons you have for your questions. Your explanations were good and you do have good points for asking those questions. Good blog.
