Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Giver : Week 11/25/13

Pages- 1- 162

Prompt: Usually a reader imagines the places being described in the story. Draw a
picture of the image you have from this story. What do you usually see when
reading a story?

What I usually see when I'm reading any book. First I start with who is talking and what scene they could be in. I do this because the scene is a very important part in a book or in a movie. Second I think of there facial features and there expression that is portrayed in that page or chapter. Facial features and expression are a crucial part in books it tells you if  wether there mad or sad. Third I look at what extra stuff could be there like a chair or table. This is important because props can help you find out whats the scene and what there expressions are. Lastly I look at color. Color is very important it helps you find out what feeling it gives you.

From the book The Giver I saw many things. One the house to me looked silver and modern house not to big but not to small. All the houses would look the same on the sides of the street would be bikes and bike racks but no chains.  Second the sky would be clear blue with puffy clouds even when it rained the clouds would still be white. Third everyone would have a happy face but not that they wanted a happy face they had to have it. I imagined a dome like in the movie hunger games the game dome.That the elders changed if they wanted to. If they wanted trees they would put some like gods.


  1. I really like your blog this week! I can see how you pictured the setting since everything is sameness and nothing would really stand out. It was interesting how you said that you imagined the house, not too big, and not too small. This was a really good blog!

  2. Interesting blog! I liked how you compared the elders to gods, and now I can see how they could be the community's gods of sorts. I also liked how you thought of a dome of sorts over the community that the elders control. It was an interesting way to picture the community!
