Saturday, March 8, 2014

Poetry Reflection

Gustavo Guzman

Poetry Reflection
Week: 3/3/14

Poetry to me is many things it is a field of emotions, struggles,  and 
its a natural thing in life. Poetry has been around for centuries,
anything can be poetry. To me poetry is what I think about or what I write even if it doesn't have meaning it can still be poetry .Like the nonsense poem, what I am trying to say is that poetry can be made out of anything. Your thoughts can be poetry ,sentences as stanzas  and different thoughts as different poems. Poetry is in my heart now it has taken over and every time I hear someone talk if I focused I can make it into a poem, like a real poet.

Poetry is also open to everyone, anybody can be a poet. They may not be famous or be any good. If they put their heart and emotion in there poem they will know and
recognize their work. To me before I actually made a poem that I tried on I
would never see myself writing a poem. I feel like people doesn't take
inconsideration on how poetry is a way of healing it can relieve stress out in
words instead of in actions. Overall poetry should belong to everybody because
there are many benefits and beauties of poetry.

The life and experiences of a poet affect the write greatly, It is one thing to
write just because you have to and another to write because you feel it in your
heart. With people that write just because you can't really get into the poem
because there are no emotions. Then there are great poets like Edgar Allen Poe
that made here way to greatness by poetry and the effects on people. Edgar
Allen Poe's poems gave a chill down your back but there was also a hint of
sadness. People were affected by this and that's why emotion is an important
part of poetry because without emotion it isn't a poem.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written Gustavo! I especially like your line, " Your thoughts can be poetry ,sentences as stanzas and different thoughts as different poems." Very true.
